State cultural funding for the independent scene fell by 29% in real terms between 2017 and 2023 alone! Further cuts were added in 2024. An increase in the cultural funding budget is urgently needed to avert lasting damage.
Although the entire Styrian cultural budget has been increased in recent years, the cultural promotion budget has remained almost the same: It still accounted for 22.76% of the cultural budget in 2017, and only 16.8% in 2023. Adjusted for inflation and less earmarking, this means a real loss of 29% from 2017-2023.
Since the new Styrian state government took office, events in the area of cultural funding have pointed to a further dramatic development. Even when the first decisions on funding applications were announced, the level of the previous year could not be maintained, let alone adjusted for inflation.
There is a threat of staff redundancies, the cancellation of festivals, concerts, theater performances and exhibitions as well as the closure of spaces and venues. A reduced cultural offering for the population and tourists, termination of contracts for regional businesses and service providers, reduced international visibility, loss of attractiveness as a location, an exodus of creative professionals and a brain drain for the innovation and creative sector. In order to avert lasting damage, secure budgets and transparent and fair funding awards are needed. This must become a priority for the state government in the cultural sector.